Our Expertise

We specialize in the treatment of TMJ Disorders, Head and Neck pain , Obstuctive Sleep Apnea and Snoring. Get the best level of care and expertise you deserve.

We Value Your Time

Your visit is reserved for you by appointment, so that we can give you the time required during your appointment.

Real, Honest Conversations

Dr Hemant Soni's diagnostic approach ensures that he understands your complex issues and give you best conservative treatment options as far as possible to avoid surgeries or excessive medication.

What We Do

Dr Hemant Soni specializes in treating patients  Head pain, Neck pain, Teeth grinding (Bruxism) ,Tmj disorders, Jaw disorders, Oral or facial pain and sleep related breathing disorders.

About Us

Dr Hemant Soni is a specialist in TMJ disorders, orofacial pain ( head and neck pain) and dental sleep medicine. He has done his specialization from Roseman University, USA . He is American speciality board certified in the field of orofacial pain which encompasses all the pain disorders of head and neck area including TMJ disorders and dental sleep medicine. He holds the diplomate status of American board of orofacial pain which is currently considered the gold standard in this field. He has more than 25 years of clinical experience of treating patients and has a very thorough and detailed understanding of all the medical and dental issues which can be responsible for the pain in the region. He has treated most complex of pain cases in most conservative ways, which is his strength. He combines the most modern knowledge of current times with traditional healing practices, bringing in the best of both worlds to give patients long term, sustainable relief from pain.

Our Mission 

We strive to give the highest quality care for patients with TMJ Disorders, Head and Neck pain and sleep Apnea . It involves a holistic approach to diagnose different issues in patients and its association with pain with most latest knowledge in the world to help patients recover with minimal treatment and to make the relief long lasting. 

Symptoms TMJ Disorders present with

As a result of past treatment failures, many patients are at times completely disheartened, we have treated patients successfully even with more than 30 years of pain, we use latest knowledge in the field to help our patients.

If you’re one of those people who  is in pain, and you are looking for a doctor who can understand your pain and treat effectively, then you should visit us. We will do our best to help you get rid of your pain.

Orofacial pain is a specialty that merges medical and dental fields to give patients relief in any chronic head and neck pain

It deals with the diagnosis and care of nondental pain that occurs in the head, face or neck or inside your mouth. These types of disorders all have specific causes and treatments. Orofacial pain is associated with many conditions. Some of the most common are musculoskeletal disorders such as temporomandibular disorder (TMD). TMDs are disorders involving the temporomandibular joints (TMJs), which help control the jaw. They affect the muscles used for chewing and talking, as well as other related structures.

TMD is most prevalent in women, but overall, about 5 to 12% of people may have some form of TMD. Myofascial pain, for example, presents as “referred pain”. This is where the pain is felt in a different part of the body than where it originated. For example, if you have an injury to your teeth and your dentist has not found a dental cause for your pain, the pain may be “referred” to other muscles in your face or head. Another facial pain disorder is trigeminal neuralgia. This is where brief, sharp, shooting, lightning and severe pain can be triggered by actions that don’t normally hurt. For example, lightly touching your face, brushing your teeth, talking, chewing, or shaving can trigger trigeminal neuralgia.

Schedule an Appointment

If you are experiencing any TMJ , Head and Neck pain or sleep issues, to find out the best treatment option , schedule a consultation with Dr. Hemant Soni at The Gayatri TMJ Head and Neck Pain Dental Sleep Medicine Clinic. Once Dr Hemant soni does comprehensive examination, he will work with you to find the most appropriate treatment option. To book an appointment at clinic.

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